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Reminder, our office is by appointment only. We accept online bookings or in-person meetings.

Sponsor your Parents and Grandparents

Book your appointment now to apply to sponsor your parents or grand parents.

Sponsor your Parents and Grandparents

You can sponsor your own parents and grandparents, related by blood or adoption.

In case of divorce or separation, you can sponsor your parents and your grandparents’ spouses, or conjugal or common-law partners.

The people you sponsor must also be eligible

To show they meet the eligibility requirements, your parents and grandparents and their dependants must provide:

  • all required forms and documents with their application

  • any additional information we request during processing, including:

    • medical exams

    • police certificates

    • biometrics

Examples of who you can sponsor

To help you to understand who can you sponsor check the following examples:

Example 1: Sponsoring your mother and father, together as a couple.

Example 2: Sponsoring your father, your stepmother and their son.

Example 3: Sponsoring your grandparents, your mother and your stepfather.

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